You can look at it from any angle you want,

the numbers work.


The crucial requirement for a successful kitchen: high productivity. The many features make the iVario Pro an investment that pays off very quickly. This is because it combines the functions of multiple kitchen appliances. You will also save space, working time, raw materials, electricity and water and most importantly money.

Your profit Meat
With up to 10% less consumption of raw materials
for daily specials (diced meat, casserole) thanks to
the iVarioBoost searing power. Up to 10 % less
consumption of raw materials for braised dishes in
overnight cooking.
Amount budgeted per year Cost of goods with conventional
Stoves, tilting pans and boiling pans
$ 198,000

Cost of goods with iVario Pro
$ 178,200
Your extra earnings per year = $ 19,800
Your profit Energy
Average saving* of 68 kWh per service thanks to the
high efficiency of the iVarioBoost heating system.
Amount budgeted per year 68 kWh × $ 0.25 per kWh
Your extra earnings per year = $ 8,500
Your profit Working time
Average saving* of 120 minutes per day per unit
thanks to the power and speed of the iVarioBoost
heating system, automatic cooking with the
iCookingSuite and thanks to overnight cooking.
Amount budgeted per year 1,000 hours × $ 28
(Compound calculation based on an
hourly rate for chef/cleaning staff)
Your extra earnings per year = $ 28,000
Your profit Cleaning
Average yearly saving in water and detergent*. Fewer
pots and pans need cleaning.
Amount budgeted per year 600 litres water per service × $ 2.10/m³ and 50 litres detergent
per year
Your extra earnings per year = $ 780
Your profit Your extra earnings per year
Amount budgeted per year  
Your extra earnings per year = $ 57,080

Average restaurant with 600 meals per day (2 services) with one iVario Pro L and XL, additional earnings compared to operating with a conventional stove, tilting pan, boiling pan and deep-fat fryer.

* Compared to conventional bratt pans, kettles and fryers

It pays off.

The bottom line is the extremely quick amortisation, but it's also fun to work with.