The new normal.

New and sustainable concepts are needed.


New habits will stay.

Generational eating habits, trends in ready-made products and much more at a glance.


Pivoting to casual concepts to survive.

In the last year, dine-in has been all but decimated by the pandemic, with the hospitality sector’s turnover dropping significantly. Hundreds of thousands of foodservice businesses closing either permanently or temporarily. Learn more how takeaway or delivery can be an element bridging the gap.


Breaded Chicken Goujons.

Perfect as a snack, for to-go or even in delivery. A dish that can also be wonderfully combined with salads and other side dishes.

Unlocking new growth opportunities in food-to-go.

Hosted by Gavin Rothwell from Food Futures Insights, this is part of a broader series of webinars focused on the future of food-to-go. In each webinar you’ll hear his perspectives, as well as those of RATIONAL and retailers and food-to-go specialists on the opportunities ahead and how to take advantage.