Easy Steps to Tackle Hospitality Staff Shortage.

The pandemic has left the hospitality industry short-staffed.

Restaurants and cafes have closed or reduced their hours of operation, leading to employees retraining and moving on. Currently, the food industry is facing a restaurant staffing crisis. Have you been left with a lack of hospitality staff? With turnover rates at an all-time high, how can restaurants stay open?

Limit Your Menu & Dining Capacity.

A menu with many dishes means more work. Streamlining your menu can help reduce the strain when you're short on team members. Do you have menu items that are ordered infrequently? Cutting back on these dishes can help decrease kitchen processes and also remove dishes that require extensive prep or multiple cooking steps. Also, when there are hospitality staff shortages, reduce the number of tables - you can still deliver the same excellent service even when there is a restaurant staffing crisis.

Take a Look at Your Commercial Kitchen Management.

Have you thought about multifunctional equipment? They provide greater levels of automation, which means fewer people can provide the same level of service, variety and amount of food. Automating some of your cooking processes can allow you to save your most valuable resources - your team! Check out RATIONAL’s iKitchen range; it covers 90% of all conventional cooking applications and commercial ovens within two units, the iCombi Pro and the iVario Pro .

iCombi Pro.

This intelligent combi-steamer can fry, bake, grill, steak, deep fry, and poach in one unit and only cover 1m2 floor space. It can also respond to changing requirements dynamically, automatically adjusting the airspeed, temperature and humidity for your desired results, meaning less time spent across various pieces of equipment. Also, with the built-in iCareSystem, it cleans in 12 minutes!

iVario Pro.

Replacing virtually all cooking appliances, the iVario Pro technologically advanced Bratt Pan can boil, fry, deep fry and pressure cook. It can work 4x as fast as traditional equipment, clean in under 5 minutes, and requires up to 40% less energy, without supervision. For you, this means more capacity, shorter cooking and cleaning times, more productivity, and high-quality, consistent results.