2023’s Top Trends in the Food & Beverage Industry.

From bottled cocktails to pasta chips, the F&B industry is constantly changing, responding to consumer demands and trends.

This year, more than ever before, the industry has seen an enormous shift as people embrace new diets, lifestyles and ethical considerations.
Here are 8 of the top trends in the food and beverage industry you might want to consider adopting in 2023!

1. Buy Local.

Keep the planet healthy by using fresh local foods sourced from nearby farmers and producers as much as possible. This encourages sustainability by decreasing transportation costs, supporting local farmers, and reducing environmental impacts like carbon emissions.

2. Zero-waste.

Cutting down on waste at every step of production, distribution, and consumption is becoming more and more prominent in the F&B industry. This means reducing plastic packaging, using biodegradable materials, recycling wherever possible, and composting organic waste whenever feasible.

3. Meat-free

Consumers want vegan, vegetarian, and cruelty-free options that are plant-based but still tasty. Restaurants are responding to this trend by creating separate vegan menus or offering vegan alternatives alongside their regular dishes. The RATIONAL iVario is a next-generation tilting pan that can help prevent cross-contamination between meat and plant-based products. Its intelligent design splits the pan base into individual heating zones, so your kitchen can have designated zones for plant-based items, which can be operated independently. Explore everything the RATIONAL iVario Pro can do .

4. Mindful eating.

Say no to GMOs! Create safe, ethical, high-quality food and beverage options free from artificial additives or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

5. Instagram-able meals.

Create visually appealing foods and drinks that look great on Instagram feeds or other social media channels. This trend has encouraged chefs to get creative with presentation design so that meals can stand out from the crowd on social media sites like Instagram or Twitter, where your creations can be seen by potentially millions.

6. Free-from foods.

Consumers want to avoid allergens and irritants such as gluten or dairy products, so many restaurants have begun offering 'free-from' options for their guests with specific dietary requirements or allergies/intolerances.

7. Healthy dieting.

As people become more health conscious, restaurants have responded by offering healthier options such as salad bowls or grilled or baked options alongside traditional menu items like burgers or fries so customers can still enjoy a delicious meal without sacrificing health benefits if they choose. The RATIONAL iCombi Pro is an advanced restaurant combi oven that uses steam to cook food quickly and evenly while retaining moisture and flavour. It also eliminates the need for deep frying or baking, preventing unhealthy fats in your dishes altogether. Also, the steam generated during cooking helps retain vital nutrients like vitamins and minerals that would otherwise be lost with traditional cooking methods such as boiling or roasting. Discover the RATIONAL iCombi Pro here .

8. Going global.

Discover new flavours from all around the world! Restaurants are now stocking international ingredients like Indian spices or Mexican chilli peppers, allowing customers to experience exotic flavours without needing to leave home!

The trends above demonstrate how consumer demands are reshaping the UK F&B industry – from sourcing locally grown ingredients to creating healthy eating options. By understanding these trends, you can better serve your customers while staying ahead of your competitors! Not only will this benefit your business, but it will also ensure you're giving your customers what they really crave!

Get in touch with us today to learn more about intelligent iVario Pro and iCombi Pro RATIONAL cooking systems.