How RATIONAL can help create Healthy Lunches in Schools.

Kids are picky at the best of times, and school lunches are a vital part of a child's day. So how do schools create healthy lunches children want to eat?

Not only do they provide fuel for learning, but healthy lunches in schools also serve as a teaching tool to help children make informed and healthy choices throughout their lives. Here are 5 ideas for improving school lunches to keep kids engaged and excited about eating healthy!

1. Upgrade Kids Classics:

We all know that deep-fried foods are unhealthy, but that doesn't mean you need to take away all of your kid's favourite dishes - instead, try upgrading them using healthier cooking techniques such as baking or grilling instead of frying. This will help reduce the amount of fat, calories and sodium in each dish without sacrificing taste or texture! The RATIONAL iCombi Pro is an intelligent, multifunctional cooking system, similar to a commercial steam oven, that can help with recreating children's favourite lunchtime dishes, without the need to deep-fry, by using steam as a heat source - find out more .

2. Encourage Student Input:

The best way to ensure kids enjoy their lunch is to ask them what they like! Ask students what types of food they would like to see more of in their lunch menu choices. Involve students in decision-making by asking for their opinion on what healthy options should be included in school lunches. This will give them a sense of ownership over their meals and allow them to learn about more nutritious food choices from an early age.

3. Phase In Changes:

Making too many changes at once can be overwhelming for students and staff alike, so it is essential to phase in any new changes gradually over time. Introduce new items a couple of times a month so that students have enough time to adjust and get used to the changes being made - this way, you can ensure that everyone is comfortable with the new menu items being served up each day!

4. Know Your Sources:

Knowing more about where your ingredients come from helps ensure that you serve your students fresh and nutritious food daily. Research stockists thoroughly when providing quality meals for students; local operations can be an excellent source of fresh, healthy ingredients.

5. Presentation Counts:

Presentation plays an important role in education catering - creatively serving food encourages children to reach out for nutritious dishes over processed alternatives! Can you involve older students in designing creative displays, so everyone feels involved?

How can RATIONAL's Multifunctional Cooking Equipment help?

RATIONAL cooking systems, like the iCombi Pro , use intelligent technology to cook meals faster while preserving their nutritional value. This makes it easier for the catering team to prepare healthy lunches in schools in larger quantities without sacrificing quality or taste.

The iCombi Pro also has built-in sensors that monitor food temperatures and automatically adjust heat levels and cooking times as needed. This ensures that each meal is cooked perfectly every time—even when cooked in bulk!

Additionally, these cooking systems have recipes that can be pre-programmed so that you don't have to worry about creating new meals from scratch every week—allowing you more time to focus on other areas of your job.

Finally, because they are energy-efficient and require minimal maintenance, they cost less than traditional commercial steam ovens—saving you money in the long run!

Improving the catering for schools doesn't have to be complicated or expensive - small changes can make all the difference in making mealtime enjoyable again!

Encouraging student input to upgrading traditional dishes with healthier cooking techniques will help you create more nutritious food options for your students without compromising on taste or nutrition levels - making sure everyone stays happy during mealtime!

Our RATIONAL Cooking Systems makes education catering easier with all the tools necessary for preparing healthy lunches in schools quickly and efficiently – contact us today for more details on how we can help improve your school’s lunches!