How You Can Make Your Cafe More Environmentally Friendly.

Did you know 88% of consumers want brands to improve their environmental footprint?* From big coffee shop chains to small independent cafes, if a customer doesn't feel your brand isn't doing its bit to save the environment, there's almost a 90% chance you won't see that customer again!

So, what can you do? We have pulled together tips on becoming a sustainable cafe to help reduce your environmental footprint, reduce energy usage and support sustainability.

Ditch the plastic.

How can a cafe be environmentally friendly when there is so much plastic? Easy - ditch it!

If you threw away 3 bags of single-use plastic a day, in one month that's 84 bags of plastic heading to landfill!

Paper cups, recycled toilet paper and reusable containers instead of single-use plastic containers in the kitchen are just two options that you can introduce as early as today.

Also, reward your customers who bring in their own reusable takeaway cups. This saves you on stock and lets your customers know you are putting the planet first!

And also the paper!

Do you have loyalty cards when your customers purchase a hot drink?

Consider creating a way to digitise your rewards programme and save on both paper and energy thanks to reduced printing.

Ask your customers if they need a receipt. If the answer is no, you’re saving on paper. If the answer is yes, why not send a digital receipt instead?

Lastly, instead of menus on every table, think about a main menu board above the counter or a digital QR code that leads to your menu online.

Limit water usage.

Coffee shops and cafes can use up to 20,000 litres a day!* Whilst you obviously can’t stop using water altogether, there are ways you can reduce your cafe's water usage.

Install low-flow customer toilets and taps with built-in sensors to make a quick saving.

For the kitchen, install energy-saving dishwashers (that you only operate when full) and ice makers to help reduce your water consumption.

Also, if you have an outdoor seating area, do you have a water butt that collects rainwater? You can then keep any flowers looking lush without needing to turn on the tap.

Save energy.

Thinking about how to reduce energy usage in the hospitality industry might seem a tricky mountain to climb; from lights to ovens, coffee machines to air-conditioning, and even playing music, it can be hard to see how to cut anything down!

Try easy instant swaps like swapping to energy-saving lightbulbs, watching your air-conditioning consumption, and making sure everything that can be switched off overnight is.

Installing energy-efficient commercial ovens, appliances and ventilation have long-term energy savings that outweigh the initial installation costs. RATIONAL's iCombi Pro helps kitchens within the hospitality industry save energy.

This energy-saving alternative to a commercial oven can cook multiple things simultaneously with the included iProduction Manager . The system will monitor each rack individually to adjust the cooking times to the desired result.

This also limits how long the oven needs to be operating.

Also, remember to shout about the positive changes you are making to become a sustainable cafe. Customers will also appreciate being brought along for the journey, so ask for their ideas on bringing in more sustainable methods!

There are lots of changes you can make in every aspect of the business to reduce your footprint and promote eco-friendly practices. To find out how to reduce energy usage with RATIONAL, get in touch with our team today or have a closer look at the iCombi Pro .