Revolutionise Your Commercial Kitchen Layout
with RATIONAL iCombi Pro.

The design and layout of a modern commercial kitchen is one of the most important factors in its efficiency and consistency. Out-of-date or poorly positioned equipment can result in costly mistakes and ongoing frustrations for your staff.

Commercial kitchens are a hot, busy environment where space is always a luxury. But before you start thinking about which wall to knock down, perhaps it’s time to take a look at your existing equipment and see where space could be saved.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to save kitchen space is using a commercial combination oven. Replacing multiple pieces of your kitchen equipment with an efficient, intelligent and modern single solution could give you the breathing space you need to create additional workstations or make the kitchen easier to navigate and work in. Enter the RATIONAL iCombo Pro , an innovative space-saving solution for your commercial kitchen packed with intelligent features that boost productivity and help you maintain the highest standards.

Why the Layout of Your Commercial Kitchen is So Important.

The expectations placed on modern commercial kitchens to deliver wider options and use specialist techniques can create challenges when it comes to fitting in new or existing kitchen equipment in a way that delivers both efficiency and safety.

Crowded or poorly designed kitchens with limited space mean more accidents, make the organisation and storage of ingredients harder to manage, and create an uncomfortable working environment for your team; staff can get in each other’s way, utensils go missing, and dishes can be lost to accidents that could easily be avoided (if you didn’t have to squeeze past that oven quite so tightly!).

The Solution: A RATIONAL Commercial Combi Oven.

Capable of cooking, baking, steaming, smoking and more, all within a compact unit and guided by intelligent climate management, the iCombi Pro from RATIONAL is ready to revolutionise your kitchen. Tasks that would previously require multiple appliances taking up precious space in your kitchen can now all be completed within the iCombi Pro’s 1sqm footprint. No other product packs so much utility into such a small space.

The Benefits of a Commercial Combi Oven.

The benefits of saving space are obvious, but there’s much more on offer when your iCombi Pro arrives in the kitchen. Using active dehumidification and flow-optimised cooking cabinet geometry to give you total control, you can cook more consistently and in smaller batches to simultaneously reduce food waste and energy bills.

The iCombi Pro constantly monitors and adjusts each cooking shelf's conditions to guarantee fantastic results. You’ll be able to get on with other tasks, safe in the knowledge that your food will turn out exactly as planned and arrive at the table in perfect condition thanks to the iCombi Pro’s “Finishing” technology. Need to serve 100 plates of identical food at exactly the same time? Not a problem for the iCombi Pro. Capable of finding the perfect balance between condensation and evaporation to keep pre-prepared dishes from drying out without condensation appearing on plates and spoiling your careful preparation.

From individual restaurants and shops to hotels, stadiums and other large venues, the iCombi Pro is delivering consistent, reliable, high-quality results for chefs and cooks across the globe:

  • The iCombi Pro has enabled a traditional butcher to transition into a high-volume catering business.
  • We’ve helped London bakers Fait Maison to reduce the volume of ingredients used to make their croissants by 10% whilst simultaneously improving the quality of the product.
  • The catering team at Royal Bath Hospital have won awards for their improved service with support from Rational (they also cut their kitchen’s water use by 50%!).
  • In Macau, China, the Banyan Tree Hotel uses RATIONAL products to serve more than 450 plates in 15 minutes, making their banquets an experience enjoyed by both guests and staff.

For a combination cooking system that increases productivity, delivers consistent results at the right time (no matter the job), and even helps clean up afterwards, the iCombi Pro makes a compelling case for its inclusion in any kitchen, big or small. Catering teams worldwide love and rely on their iCombi, and with the additional training, operational support and maintenance provided by RATIONAL, they feel prepared for any challenge.

Interested to hear more? Click here to learn more about our commercial combination ovens or get in touch with a member of our team today for more information.