10 Tips on Saving Energy.

For restaurants, pubs and bars.

If you own or manage a pub, restaurant or bar, you will know just how power-hungry the hospitality industry is. From using lighting and kitchen equipment to heating and cooling systems, the energy consumption of these businesses can be high, leading to increased costs and environmental impact.

However, if you own a business in the hospitality sector, you can save energy and reduce your business's carbon footprint in many ways. Whether your aim is cutting bar running costs, to enhancing customer perception of your pub by being greener, here are ten super simple energy-saving tips you can start using today:

1. Install LED lights
LED lights use up to 90% less energy than traditional lighting and last up to 25 times longer, making them a cost-effective choice for businesses.

2. Use motion sensors
Install motion sensors in back-of-house areas, storerooms, and restrooms. This will ensure that the lights only come on when needed and will turn off when the space is empty.

3. Switch off unused equipment
If kitchen appliances, fridges, and other equipment aren't in use, turn them off completely – don't just put them into standby mode.

4. Keep equipment well-maintained
Regular servicing of equipment such as refrigerators, air conditioning systems, and ovens can help increase their energy efficiency.

5. Train staff on energy-saving practices

Educate staff on reducing energy usage, such as turning off lights when they leave a room and not leaving doors or windows open unnecessarily.

6. Use energy-efficient cooking appliances
Consider investing in energy-efficient cooking appliances, such as the RATIONAL iCombi Pro . This appliance uses intelligent technology to regulate temperature and humidity, uses 18% less energy, reduces the cost of goods by up to 15% and requires up to 50% less working time.

7. Use water-efficient taps and appliances
Install water-efficient taps and appliances in toilets and kitchens to reduce water usage.

8. Run full loads
Make sure any washing machines for towels, glasswashers, dishwashers, and other equipment are fully loaded before use; this reduces the need for multiple cycles and saves on energy and water consumption.

9. Manage heating and cooling systems
Ensure heating and cooling systems are set to the correct temperature and use timers to avoid unnecessary usage.

10. Conduct an energy audit
Obtain professional advice on energy usage and conduct an energy audit to identify where savings can be made.

You don't need to make massive changes to your business plan to save on energy costs, but a few minor adjustments can make a real difference. And remember, if you're after an appliance that can help you achieve even greater energy saving for restaurants or food-serving bars and pubs, check out the RATIONAL iCombi Pro . Its innovative technology regulates temperature and humidity, cutting up to 50% of energy costs.