4 tricks to make your kitchen more efficient.

Chefs, restaurateurs and commercial kitchen managers, they all have the same question: how can you increase efficiency in the kitchen and optimise costs? We at RATIONAL have looked into this and have thought about how a combi-steamer helps reduce energy costs and solve staffing problems without having to make any compromise in quality.

1. Reduce electricity costs.

The greatest cost driver in the kitchen is electricity: it causes 70% of costs, of which 40% is for cooking alone. There is consensus in the industry that combi-steamers offer huge savings both in electricity and gas consumption: Low heat-up phase, effective cooking temperature and short cooking times are the outstanding characteristics of the appliance. As part of our testing, we have found that you need up to 70% less energy with a SelfCookingCenter® compared to conventional kitchen equipment without a combi-steamer. And thanks to the triple glazed door and LED lighting, we have even been able to save another 10% compared to previous models. This makes a difference in the cash register. And with the energy consumption display on the SelfCookingCenter®, the user can constantly monitor consumption and therefore actively incorporate this in their calculation.

2. Save on the cost of goods.

Following a detailed comparative cook, we understand that precise regulation and technical equipment such as iCookingControl® saves an average of 20% in raw materials compared to standard cooking methods before. So there are savings to be made in terms of meat, fish and poultry with the SelfCookingCenter®. In a restaurant serving 200 meals, this can quickly amount to up to € 22,700 a year.

3. Save on working time.

Another big cost driver is working time. The two most important approaches: Rolling loads with iLevelControl and the elimination of routine tasks such as checking and turning. Thanks to the SelfCookingCenter®'s intelligent cooking processes, working time can be reduced by up to 50%. This is valuable time that could be spent on other important tasks, but which rarely appears in profitability analyses.

4. Optimise cleaning.

The fourth cost drive we have taken into account is cleaning: Because all RATIONAL units work with a fresh steam generator, this eliminates costs for expensive water filters that are required in combi-steamers with an injection function. On the other hand, the SelfCookingCenter® descales itself automatically during cleaning. This easily saves up to €500 a year.

Anyone wanting to work out the above savings in absolute figures for their own business can do so usingCost-effectiveness calculator . You can either enter your own figures or use example calculations for hotel/restaurant, supermarket or casual dining businesses. So you can quickly figure out how much you could save. In any case, it shows what you need not skimp on with a SelfCookingCenter® in the hospitality industry on any account: customer satisfaction and quality.