You can look at it from any angle you want,

the numbers work.


The iCombi Pro does not only cook intelligently but also saves intelligently. For example, with up to 70 %* lower energy consumption, up to 60 %* less working time, more than 30 %* less space requirement, up to 25 %* lower cost of goods, up to 95 %* lower consumption of fat.

Your profit Meat / Fish / Poultry
An average of 25 %* less raw materials
purchased thanks to precise regulation and
Calculation approach per month Cost of goods
7.680 €

Cost of goods with iCombi Pro
5.760 €
Your additional earnings per month = 1.920 €
Your profit Energy
The unique cooking performance,
iProductionManager and state of the art
control technology consume up to 70 %*
less energy.
Calculation approach per month Consumption 
6.300 kWh × 0,18 € per kWh

Consumption with iCombi Pro
1.890 kWh × 0,18 € per kWh
Your additional earnings per month = 794 €
Your profit Fat
There is almost no need for fat.
Procurement and disposal costs for fat are
reduced by up to 95 %*.
Calculation approach per month Cost of goods
50 €

Cost of goods with iCombi Pro
3 €
Your additional earnings per month

= 47 €
Your profit Working time
iProductionManager reduces production
time by up to 60 %*. No more routine tasks
with iCookingSuite.
Calculation approach per month 60 fewer hours × 26 €
Your additional earnings per month = 1.560 €
Your profit Water softening / descaling
These costs are eliminated entirely with
Calculation approach per month Conventional costs
60 €

Costs with iCombi Pro
0 €
Your additional earnings per month

= 60 €
Your profit Your extra earnings per month
Calculation approach per month  
Your additional earnings per month = 4.381 €
Your profit Your extra earnings per year
Calculation approach per month  
Your additional earnings per month = 52.572 €

The average hotel restaurant with 200 meals per day with two iCombi Pro 10-1/1.

*Compared to conventional cooking technology

It pays off.

The bottom line is the extremely quick amortisation, but it's also fun to work with.