
As a global organization with a 50-year history, RATIONAL enjoys an excellent reputation as a business partner. We have achieved this by consistently pursuing our number-one corporate goal of offering customers everywhere the greatest possible benefit.

Compliance with all applicable laws worldwide, alignment with nationally and internationally recognized codes of conduct, and ethical behavior are a matter of course for us and for our employees. Respecting human rights and fighting bribery and corruption are all essential elements of this. By behaving with integrity, openness, and honesty toward all our business partners and stakeholders, we preserve our self-image as a reliable partner and thus make cooperating with us an even more appealing prospect. Our binding Code of Conduct is our way of conveying our guiding principles and self-image both internally and externally.

Reporting and complaints platform.

Correct and legally compliant conduct is a top priority for the RATIONAL Group. Integrity and compliance are fundamental to both our self-image and our business activities. To help RATIONAL meet these expectations even more fully, it is important that we remain informed of any potential misconduct within or outside the RATIONAL Group so that we can take appropriate action. The reporting and complaints platform we have introduced provides a mechanism for reporting rule violations. This system is available to all employees, suppliers, customers, and other parties affected by our business activities. The platform facilitates smooth, data protection-compliant communication between whistleblowers and the responsible authorities within the RATIONAL Group, while also allowing total anonymity if desired.

Each message is checked. Reports are treated confidentially and we guarantee that whistleblowers will not suffer any negative personal consequences for submitting them. The accused are considered innocent until the violation can be undeniably proven. Investigations are carried out by our independent compliance organization, which is held to maximum standards of confidentiality. Further information on our complaints procedure in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) can be found in our procedural regulations.