Thirty meals or three thousand? Lots of space? Or a little? The iVario Pro adapts to your needs, and delivers exceptional results every time. All day and all night. And it can do the same for your kitchen.

Product comparison.


Rational iCombi Pro oven shown in a standard front view with an empty cooking chamber.

iCombi Pro

The new gold standard.

The iCombi Pro is intelligent, efficient, and flexible, and it delivers the results you’re looking for. Every time. No matter who’s using it. Pair it with the iVario Pro for an unbeatable team in any commercial kitchen.

iCombi Classic

Technology meets craftsmanship.

The iCombi Classic is robust and easy to use, and it works just as precisely as you do. It’s a tailor-made solution for more experienced cooks who want to operate their combi-steamers by hand.