2023: RATIONAL AG „Best Company in Germany“
2022: RATIONAL AG „Best Company in Germany“
2021: RATIONAL AG „Best Company in Germany“
2020: RATIONAL AG „Best Company in Germany“
2019: RATIONAL AG „Best Company in Germany“
2018: RATIONAL AG „Best Company in Germany“
2017: RATIONAL AG „Best Company in Germany“
2016: RATIONAL AG „Best Company in Germany“
With this award the commitment to refugees is honoured. Since 2015, RATIONAL has been supporting people with a migration background in parallel to their training with internship and familiarisation measures, entry-level qualification and in-house supplementary training.
Innovation challenge Innovation Award "Gold winner", SelfCookingCenter® XS, The Commercial Kitchen Show
CSP's 2017 Best New Product Contest, Foodservice Equipment category, CSP Magazine
Smart Label Award, SelfCookingCenter® and ConnectedCooking, HOST 2017, Mailand
Internorga Show Star 2017, ConnectedCooking, Internorga 2017, Hamburg
Top 100 des Mittelstands, Munich Strategie Group
Starchefs XS, SelfCookingCenter® XS, Starchefs USA
2019: UltraVent® Plus
2017: SelfCookingCenter® XS
2016: KitchenManagement System
2015: SelfCookingCenter®
2014: VarioSmoker
2012: National Restaurant Association für den innovativen und nachhaltigen RATIONAL VarioSmoker
2009: National Restaurant Association für CareControl
2006: National Restaurant Association, New York Restaurant-Hotel-Motel Show
2005: National Restaurant Association, New York Restaurant-Hotel-Motel Show
2018: Award for sustainability in the away-from-home-market, Germany
2016: Award for sustainability in the away-from-home-market, Germany
2014: Award for sustainability in the away-from-home-market, Germany
2011: Award for sustainability in the out-of-home-Market, Category Energy, Germany (Trade Fair Intergastra, Feb. 2012)
Best in Class Award:
for food service, USA
Prix de l’innovation de la restauration allemande pour la planification
la rechercher et le développement, Allemagne
Euro Gastro, Pologne
Best Marketing Company Award:
Best Practice Award:
International Best Factory Awards 2008, Allemagne
Manufacturer of the Year:
Electric Food Service Council, USA
Best of Show:
Kenneth F. Hine New Product Award 2004, USA
Best New Product:
Editors Choice Award, USA, novembre
Innovation, France
Editor´s Choice Award:
Category "Restaurant", International Hotel, Motel & Restaurant Show, New York
Manufacturer of Year:
Entreprise de l'année:
2e place dans SDAX, Focus-Money
Investor Relations Preis:
(prix relation investisseurs) 3e place dans SDAX, Capital
Gastro Innovation Prize:
(prix de l'innovation gastronomique)