Any way you slice it,

this investment pays off.


Productivity is the key to a successful kitchen. The iVario Pro’s countless high-performance features add up to an investment that pays for itself in no time. It’s an all-in-one solution combining the functions of multiple appliances. It saves space, time, raw ingredients, electricity, and water. And, of course, money.

Your profit Meat
Use up to 10% less raw ingredients in everyday dishes (casseroles, stews) thanks to iVarioBoost’s cooking power. Reduce raw ingredients use by up to 10% on braised dishes through overnight cooking (by weight due to moisture loss).
Calculation basis per year Ingredients used with conventional ovens, tilting skillets and kettles

Ingredients used with iVario Pro
Your additional earnings per year = $11,000
Your profit Power
Average savings of 68 kWh per day thanks to ultra-efficient iVarioBoost heating system.*
Calculation basis per year 68 kWh × $0.13 per kWh
Your additional earnings per year = $4,420
Your profit Working time
Save an average of 120 minutes of working time per day per unit thanks to the fast iVarioBoost heating system, automatic cooking with iCookingSuite, and overnight cooking.
Calculation basis per year 1,000 hours × $18 (hourly rate averaged between cooks/cleaning crew)
Your additional earnings per year = $18,000
Your profit Cleaning
Average annual savings of water and dishwashing liquid.* Fewer pots and pans need to be cleaned.
Calculation basis per year 159 gallons of water per shift × $5/1,000 gallons and 13.2 gallons of dishwashing liquid
Your additional earnings per year = $500
Your profit Your additional earnings per year
Calculation basis per year  
Your additional earnings per year = $33,920

Average food service operation serving 600 meals per day (2 shifts) with an iVario Pro L and XL - additional earnings vs. the same food service using conventional oven, tilt skillet, kettle, and deep-fryer.

* Compared to conventional tilt skillet, kettles, and deep-fryers.

Worth it.

It all adds up to an appliance that pays for itself in no time, while making work fun.