Short preheating times, perfect temperature management, low energy consumption, quick cleaning. With the iVario Pro. Precise, intelligent, high performance – these are the new rules. Ensure that nothing burns or boils over. Only the best results leave the kitchen.
This is made possible by ceramic heating elements that are attached to the heat-conductive, no-scratch pan base. The entire pan base is heated up evenly, the temperature is reduced quickly as required. And then there's also the energy efficiency. For large searing quantities or adding liquid without temperature fluctuations.
Sensors in the pan base detect load quantities, piece sizes, and food condition, and adjust the cooking process accordingly. Whatever the cooking method. Automatic. Over and over again. With little effort. If manual input is required, the iVario notifies you.
Really useful in a restaurant: The pan base can be divided into up to four zones. For cooking different foods at different temperatures. So just one cooking system can can do the work of many.
The intuitive operating concept makes work fast, efficient, and easy. What about rarely-used applications or settings? Users can find them with the search assistant. No need to stand around staring at the display or thumbing through the manual.
Use MyDisplay to reduce the iVario control panel so that kitchen employees only see the functions they will be using on that day. This ensures that even new and inexperienced staff need only a little training to achieve optimum results.
Even easier: With ConnectedCooking, users can make display changes remotely and roll them to networked cooking systems at every location.
Save space, save time and still serve guests the best quality every single time. That's possible. With a iVario.
The rule in restaurants: more guests, less space. Now, we have the iVario that replaces stoves, pots, pans, deep fryers, pressure cookers and bain maries. And, it frees up lots of space.
The iVario can cover a large portion of the workload. Because it's fast. Because it doesn't need supervision. Because it can even cook over night. This saves lots of work.
The iVario implements specifications and always ensures that the food is handled optimally. To transform an idea into delicious results.
Accessories for the iVario Pro.
To help you get started with your new iVario, we’re offering you free accessories.
iVario Promotion:
Free Accessories
To help you get started with your new iVario, we’re offering you free accessories.
Tango on the tongue, culinary delight, delicious treat – all this comes out of the iVario.
RATIONAL guarantees 10-year availability on all listed service parts. This means a long service life, greater planning certainty, and guaranteed minimal downtime.