News – 2023-10-13

Meet iCareSystem AutoDose. The new cleaning system for iCombi Pro tabletop

Gone are the days when cleaning and care products were handled daily. And now, you will never forget to run a cleaning cycle again.

New from RATIONAL, iCareSystem AutoDose offers an integrated cleaning and care system as an option for the iCombi Pro tabletop units. Cleaner and care products are securely stored in the cooking system in solid form cartridges, enabling dozens of cleaning cycles to occur without users having to interact with the unit: totally autonomous cleaning, either at the push of a button or according to a cleaning schedule.

The new option for the iCombi Pro allows users to start cleaning their units either at a specific time, for example, always after closing time, or at the push of a button—whenever it fits into the daily routine. Cleaning can easily be programmed separately for each day according to appliance usage or according to the weekly schedule. Once a cleaning is initiated, the iCombi Pro automatically retrieves the cleaning products in the required concentration from the cartridges.

“iCareSystem AutoDose is a breakthrough in cleaning innovation and for the environment,” states Simon Lohse, Executive Vice President for RATIONAL North America.

Jim Lund, Director of Product Management for iCombi with RATIONAL USA adds, “iCareSystem AutoDose increases work safety, saves time, and ensures HACCP hygiene safety. Unlike many other solutions, there is no need for hoses or canisters outside the cooking system.”

iCombi Pro units with the iCareSystem AutoDose option keep users up to date by warning them if the amount of cleaning product falls below a certain level or if cleaning is due. This information is available on the cooking system display or via ConnectedCooking, the RATIONAL digital kitchen management system.

“With iCareSystem AutoDose, employees no longer need to handle cleaning, and it comes off their daily task list,” says Lund. “As a result, the iCombi Pro is always clean and free of limescale, which is as crucial for HACCP safety as it is for longevity and lower service costs over time.”

More about iCareSystem AutoDose:

  • Available on iCombi Pro 6-half, 6-full, 10-half and 10-full models.
  • Cleaning cycles use only the amount of chemical that is needed.
  • Cleaning cartridges and lids are made of 100% recyclable PP (polypropylene). At the same time, plastic waste is reduced by up to 50% compared to conventional cleaner tab solutions.
  • Uses 80% less packaging by volume compared to RATIONAL tabs, which means it takes up less space in small kitchens.
  • System cleaning information, cleaner levels, and HACCP details are captured in ConnectedCooking.
  • The new cleaning system for the iCombi Pro tabletop units was officially launched at the Host trade show in Milan.